How to share the Gospel

Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ can be intimidating and seem risky. Below are materials and resources that are designed to help us get more comfortable with sharing the Gospel.

  1. Pray. The first thing to do is to ask the Lord to develop confidence in us and to help us recognize opportunities. Remember, when making requests to God, the ACTS method of Prayer adds structure and focus to our prayer.

  2. Build a Relationship. When it comes to evangelism, Jesus' method of connecting with people on a personal basis is best. He was loving, caring, and treated people with dignity. He built strong relationships while still boldly speaking the truth. 

  3. How to Boldly Speak the Truth. When approaching non-believers, it's important not to be judgmental or condemning. Share how you, too, are a sinner and saved by His grace. Connect with them on that level first, and then share the Word of God and the Good News of his sacrifice for our salvation. If you're uneasy about speaking to others about Christ, we recommend contacting Tami Sue Keller at or one of our church leaders for ideas and support.

  4. Offer to Pray with them. Remember, 1 Corinthians 3:5-9, we are merely vessels, and the Holy Spirit does the real work of converting the unbelievers. Relax and pray. He will guide you, and them, if it is in God’s will. 

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